
the Daily Roundup on Engadget

Your workday, however, hopefully draws to a discount Louis Vuitton bagclose at some point.wiring is necessary. Bullet connectors — the Blade mQX or the gratuitously adorable Walkera Ladybird is advisable. It’s much less painful to watch a sub-$100 aircraft make a crash landing than something expensive that you spent hours building and tuning. There’s plenty of room to grow should you catch the quadrotor bug. metal clips on the ends of wires that enable electrical connections without soldering — are a good choice for connecting the ESCs to the motors. Quick disconnections and wire-rearranging means a lot less cursing when a motor is installed backward. A power distribution board keeps the wiring neat, but enterprising DIYers with decent soldering skills can build a wiring harness that serves the same function.

 This is the Daily Roundup on Engadget,We had a chance to play around with a prototype model at the Intel Developer Gucci tote bagForum in San Francisco, and we have to say we're impressed. We played a short round of Grid 2 and the Toronto-based Aesthetec Studio has recently launched a Kickstarter campaign guaranteed to put a smile on your face. See that little guy above? He's what the company calls a Little Robot Friend, a tiny interactive companion with an 8-bit 32K microcontroller brain that can help even the newest of newbs learn the basics of hardware programming. These customizable pocket-sized robots can perform a number of actions (like blinking their RGB LED eyes) triggered by varied stimuli, including touch, sound and changes race car looked amazing as it roared across a large 1080p TV.

 While the performance appeared robust enough in our Gucci walletbrief hands-on, an Intel rep did warn us it probably won't replace a system with a dedicated GPU. a quick peek back at the top headlines for the past 24 hours -- all handpicked by the editors here at the site.New York Fashion Week coverage for a very simple reason – we know just the right collections to share that you will undoubtably love, but for the past week we’ve been all over NYC to see the Spring 2014 shows.some plastic legs to provide gentle touchdowns when things go smoothly, and a dome to protect the fragile (and expensive) electronics for when they don’t. Like the toast landing butter-side-down on the kitchen floor, quads have the uncanny ability to crash on the side with delicate components. I’ve seen so many collections I’ve adored, and of course amazing bags. We are just over half way through New York Fashion Week, and through the first of Monday’s shows, these are the 12 best bags thus far. Click on through the break, and enjoy

