
French fashion house Chanel saves to ensure Scottish Cashmere mill closure 176 jobs

Luxury fashion brand Chanel bought a cashmere mill in the Scottish Borders, after its owners went into administration. Chanel has taken Hawick Knitwear Barrie, save 176 jobs by their representatives. Dawson International, the mill ran to the director in August after the company was asked to pay £ 129million debt in his pension fund. Louis Vuitton Outlet Online The plant produces cashmere clothing for fashion houses and department stores around the world. Bruno Pavlovsky, Chanel's president said: "The acquisition of Barrie is even more natural than the factory worked with us for over 25 years, the production of cashmere knitwear including cashmere sweaters iconic Chanel two-tone. "With this acquisition, we reiterate our commitment, expertise and traditional crafts, and our desire to preserve their future and support its development." The GMB union has welcomed the decision. Main organizer Alex McLuckie said: "GMB Scotland always felt certain that this highly skilled, productive and fairly faithful produces a high quality product would be stored. "We now look forward to. Sustainable employment for our members on the website Hawick, now and in the future" Conservative MSP Ettrick, Roxburgh and Berwickshire John Lamont said it was "fantastic news". "I know that KPMG had worked hard to find a buyer, and it's great that they found a Chanel," he said. "Chanel is a world renowned company that operates globally and Barrie Knitwear in their possession, I'm sure. Secure the future of the company for the foreseeable future "I look forward to Barrie Knitwear continue to go from strength to strength, and we hope to provide more local jobs in the future."

