
Fashion appears in shades of green this season: Clotheslines

Dear Marylou: You wrote that are colored pants, characterizes what color with a size 8 49-year-old who is 5 foot 9? - CLOCK, Richfield Very Dear AM: Bank dollar-bill green as expandable in these linen pants by Tracy Reese. (She called mentholesence color.) The other big color trend of the season is tonal dressing - here in matching pants In-God-We-Trust with a jacket over yellow, green Federal Reserve Note seen. Reese trousers are especially good for someone your size, because they are cut. Louis Vuitton Outlet Online Note the color green, the color was first appear on earth and offers the widest range of colors in the spectrum. Experts say the color green is the color most soothing and refreshing to the people. Side note: Reese designed the dress Michelle Obama wore pink gold speckled his speech at the Democratic National Convention last month. Dear Marylou: Is the book "50 Shades of Grey" did not affect the popularity of the color? - E.C.C., Staten Iceland, N.Y. Dear ECC: I have your question to the legendary color-psychologist/author Leatrice Eiseman, executive director of the Pantone Color Institute and director of the Eiseman Color Information and Training. She said: "When a color gets a lot of attention, be it through movies, books, or other areas of interest that will make a lot of advertising, it has an effect on the end user and the designer when n is that subliminal. We saw plenty of evidence of gray, both women and men's fashion, but some, the economy should be returned if the convenience factor plays an important role, and we know how the color is reliable if it's just for the background. "But between the sensual aspects of the book is a bit exaggerated because most people do not consider as gray" sexy ", unless there is a clear case reveals chiffon negligee is a creeper, silver blonde beauty." Eiseman continues to say that the gray as an important voice in the spring clothes, and stressed that these colors can appear gray voice then with some of the brightest color. Dear Marylou: Is it true that matching shoes and bags are now fashionable? - H.O.O., Newark, N.J. Dear HOO: I think dressed the look of this new expression of an old twinset best idea for the evening - as in many new hot minaudières jewelry worn with heels jewelry - for the day. Dear Marylou: What jewelry looks best with tailored suits or dress / jacket duets? - M.M., Kansas City, Missouri Dear MM: I vote for all bracelets, earrings and necklaces many new facts turtle. But if you're game to try the more decorative fashion fashion, remove all your old jewelry and start mixing. Your mirror will tell you when to stop.

